1. This product was added on Tuesday 27 February, 2024.


    Price:  $45.00

    Available Options:


    *Japanese Kimono Obi
    *made in Japan
    *100% Polyester
    *suitable for men
    *measures: L 395cm x W 10.3cm

    Available Options:
    A. Navy 1 LEFT
    B. Silver 1 LEFT

    How to maintain:
    *This item is not suitable for washing.
    *For stains and dirt, please consult a specialty store for stain removal
    *Please do not use the above and high-temperature iron as they may damage the product.
    *While this product is dyed and woven with sufficient attention using acid dyes, there may be color fading due to factors such as sweat, rain, moisture absorption, and friction.
    *The tying parts such as the datejime are woven softly, so they may tear.
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