1. This product was added on Saturday 21 September, 2019.


    Price:  $78.00

    Available Options:

    KENDO SHINAI BAG [SHIZENTAI] -made with 100% Cotton, designed with old Japanese letters, bamboo design on front, cow leather pocket at the bottom. It can hold up to 3 shinais. The word Shizentai means ' Natural Body'.
    Made in Japan.
    Size: Width 6 in x Length 56 in

    Available Options:
    A. Red Pre-order
    B. Navy Pre-order

    EMBROIDERY SERVICE: If you would like to add your name on the Kendo Uniforms, please fill out the [EMBROIDERY ORDER] form and e-mail it out to matsubudogu@gmail.com (Be sure to fill in the[Letters and Request] box as [Kendo Hakama Paid with Online Order #]).Thank you.

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