1. This product was added on Monday 18 May, 2020.


    Price:  $30.00

    Available Options:

    New! HASEGAWA TSUBA - HASEGAWA TSUBA is the most popular tsuba by its unique designs and colors. This HASEGAWA TSUBA has a beautiful butterfly design on the tsuba. Any HASEGAWA TSUBA is great for an accent for your Shinai. It is very durable than the regular plastic tsuba that you receive when you purchase a brand new shinai. It will last for years! Rarely does break during practice or during tournaments.

    Available Sizes: Please choose the right size for the shinai.
    Medium - shinai size 36, 37 Women's
    Large - shinai size 37 men's, 38, 39 (25 & 26 grip)

    A. Blue (Medium) - 1 LEFT
    A. Blue (Large) - 5 LEFT
    B. Green (Medium) - 1 LEFT
    B. Green (Large) - 4 LEFT
    C. Red (Medium) - 1 LEFT
    C. Red (Large) - 4 LEFT
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