1. This product was added on Sunday 02 November, 2008.


    Price:  $82.00

    Available Options:


    *All-season Kendo Gi
    *high-quality 100% Cotton
    *dyed in high-quality Aizome (dye)
    *mesh finish inside
    *Available Sizes: 1 - 7
    *Prevents having stickiness during or after practice
    *Popular among starters to advanced level Kenshi in their daily practices, competitions, and promotional exams

    Available Sizes:
    C. 2 SOLD OUT
    D. 2 L 3 LEFT
    E. 3 7 LEFT
    F. 3 L 10 LEFT
    G. 4 7 LEFT
    H. 4 L 4 LEFT
    I. 5 5 LEFT
    J. 6 1 LEFT
    K. 7 3 LEFT

    EMBROIDERY SERVICE: If you would like to add your name on the Kendo Uniforms, please fill out the [EMBROIDERY ORDER] form and e-mail it out to matsubudogu@gmail.com (Be sure to fill in the[Letters and Request] box as [Kendo Hakama Paid with Online Order #]).Thank you.

    Reviews (7)
Average Customer Rating:
Submited By: Mat Woody on 12/04/2015

I have about 3 mesh gi with me. Since I practice 3 -4 times a week, I needed couple to switch off.
Mostly I use it for practice and tournaments. I have another gi just for shinkyu shinsa (promotional exam) only. It is really nice quality and get complements from fellow kendo-mates.
I tell them that I get from Mazkiya USA. Thanks Mazkiya USA for the great product!

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!
Submited By: Mike Kim on 11/13/2014

High quality product!!
I’ve been using simple basic single layer kendo gi for few years and I recently upgraded to Mesh Kendo Gi. I was curious when I read the reviews but I must say, I glad upgrade my gi. I really love it how the mesh sucks up the sweat and keeps me dry. Although for those who sweat a lot might be a different story.

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!
Submited By: Ron Mayers on 09/28/2014

I like it how the mesh thing is inside that sucks up the sweat and dry off of the skin. It has amazing drying ability and it’s great for summer! It is a great Kendo gi for all year round.
This is more than I expected!!

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!
Submited By: Yo Lin on 06/13/2014

Soft on bare skin. Excellent quality!!

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!
Submited By: Bill Greens on 12/04/2013

It is soft and comfortable wearing it on bare skin. Since I have sensitive skin, I used to wear a inside shirt before I wore Kendo Gi. Since this Kendo Gi is good for sensitive skin, my skin doesn’t get irritated after practice.

Thanks Mazkiya USA!

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!
Submited By: Mike Takeyama on 07/10/2013

Great quality Kendo Gi!

Soft, light, and comfortable. I really like it! Best thing is that you can use this Kendo Gi for both summer and winter season! Two thumbs up!

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!
Submited By: PAUL KIYOTA on 12/31/2013

The Nichibushin mesh Kendo-gi is TOP quality! Material, mesh lining and construction are quality crafted. This Kendo-gi is soft and very comfortable for all-season hard practice. It will also provide a sharp clean presentation for Kendo rank exam-shinsa time.
I can depend on Mazkiya for top quality Kendo equipment!

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!
Average Customer Rating: Displaying 7 of 7 product reviews

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