1. This product was added on Wednesday 31 December, 2008.


    Price:  $2.00

    Available Options:

    BOKUTO TSUBADOME - Tsubadome aka rubber stopper for bokuto/ bokken (wooden sword) could be used for both Shotou(Shorter Katana) and Daitou(Larger Katana). Please choose the right size for the right bokuto/bokken.
    Daito (Long Sword) W 3.3 cm x L 3.3 cm x Thickness 1.5 cm
    Shoto (Short Sword) W 3 cm x L 3 cm x Thickness 1.5 cm

    Available Option:
    Daito (Long Sword / Brown) 12 LEFT
    Daito (Long Sword / White) 24 LEFT
    Shoto (Short Sword / Brown) 11 LEFT
    Shoto (Short Sword / White) 7 LEFT
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