1. This product was added on Saturday 18 October, 2008.

    TEZASHI Bogu Set [KOZAN]

    Price:  $2,728.00

    TEZASHI Bogu set [KOZAN] - We make your Kendo Bogu based on your body size, and you can choose designs from options to create your own Kendo Bogu. These Tezashi bogu sets are made from scratch plus hand-stitched by our professional craftsmen in Japan. They are not machine made like our other non-Tezashi bogu sets.
    Other manufactured Bogu set are mostly made in China or Korea so they might be cheaper than our Japan-made Bogu set. Keep in mind that the cheaper you find, the quality will go down plus the Bogu set won't last standard life of 5 to 10 years. Although you are making huge savings, you are also investing in a Bogu set that will fit you perfectly and protect you throughout your kendo carrier.

    All of our Bogu Set comes with (1 set) Men Himo, (1 set) Do Himo, (1 set) Men Chikawa, (1) Tenugui.

    High quality 14 lines Titanium Mengane; Inside is made of 100% cotton dyed in Aizome Indigo dye; 3mm diagonal stitching for flexible use.

    50 lines reinforced resin Do-dai with 2 pairs of legs to protect Chest and Side; folded black Sao Thom leather hem.
    KOTE3mm Brown young deer skin palm, Clarino Leather finish, dyed in Aizome Indigo dye, sill lead processing (inner pipe).

    5 steps decoration, leather corners, dyed in Aizome Indigo dye, clarino leather hem.

    Depending upon your order, the price may vary due to sizes, thread color change, chin (tsuki part) patterns, chest patterns, regular do-dai to a reinforced do-dai or bamboo do-dai, kote leather type, and so on. If you would like more information please [CONTACT US] by phone, or e-mail.


    How to measure your correct Do Width?

    The ideal Do Width has a space for your fist about 3 inches between Do and your body.

    A. Around Chin to Head Size (Please indicate in cm)
    B. Forehead Size (Please indicate in cm)
    C. Height of Eyes (Please indicate in cm)
    D. Hand Length (Please indicate in cm)
    E. Around Palm Width (Please indicate in cm)
    F. Do Width Size (Waist Size) (Please indicate in cm)
    G. Height (Please indicate in cm)


    If you are ordering zekken along with your Kendo Bogu Set, please fill out the [Zekken Order] Form and e-mail it out to matsubudogu@gmail.com (Be sure to fill in the #7 box as [Paid with Bogu Set]) Thank you.
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